
Over 20+ years of collectibles experience.

The team behind Quidd is made up of industry veterans with over 20 years of combined digital and physical collectibles experience. There are currently 11 team members working 100% remote in countries like the United States, Brazil, Hong Kong, and the Philippines. As such, Quidd operations are, by design, highly capital efficient, optimizing for longevity and long-term collector confidence.

Team Member



Michael Bramlage

CEO, Co-Founder

  • Current CEO, Co-Founder of Quidd; in five years, built the largest assortment of digital collectibles on the planet

  • Former VP of Digital at Topps; pioneered native digital collecting, creating a franchise that has grossed over $125M in digital trading card revenue since inception

  • Former Head of Product for Nokia’s flagship mobile app store; launched and scaled marketplace to 3.6B annualized downloads

  • Former Product Manager, Microsoft

  • BBA, University of Michigan - Ross School of Business

Timothy High

VP of Engineering

  • Current VP of Engineering at Quidd; in five years, built high throughput B2C2C marketplace technology, capable of processing 100 transactions per second

  • Former CTO, PagPop, a leading online and payments provider in Brazil

  • Former Software Architect, Sakonnet Technology, a high-frequency energy trading firm

  • 25 years software development and software architecture experience

  • BA, Computer Science, UC Berkeley

Last updated

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